Sunday 7 July 2013

6 months in......

So..... 6 months in & how have I been getting on???

 Well - the blogging has been a bit of a fail.. Posts dried up pretty quickly - but here is a post so looks like I'm giving it another go. 1/10

 The decluttering is an ongoing mission - lots of clothes & unused items have found their way to charity & new homes - so 5/10 for that one.

 Gardening, now this one is much better :) we regularly sit out in the garden for coffee or more recently just to enjoy the sun, the lawn is lovely and green and regularly mowed. 8/10

 Writing letters - have only written 1 so far this yr, dreddful, have even purchased pretty writing paper, so defo a could do better on this one. 1/10

Get fit & healthy - ahh another one not on top of, I am walking my pooch & have tried to get back on the diet wagon, but am nowhere near losing that stone - 2/10

Go on dates - this one has been ok, dinners to new restaurants, cinema trips, days out to lacal events. Maybe not dress up & taxi dates - but quality time non the less - 7/10

Save/make money - 50:50 on this one. I've given loads to charity that could have been sold, but in the interests of decluttering I just wanted it gone. I do have a few nice items that a friend is going to eBay for me and have curbed my spending. So maybe 6/10

Capture the moment - if taking pictures of food counts then this one us in the bag. Sadly I'm not sure it does. 4/10

Enjoy what I've got - this one has been very good, whilst decluttering I've found lots of forgotten items that are now in regular use. 7/10

 Initiate plans with friends - a few lunches, charity shopping days have been arranged by me - another could do better though - 5/10

 Do it now - I do it now (sometimes) 5/10

 3 weekend breaks - we are staying away for the weekend but at my aunts next weekend - finances has meant that weekends away haven't been top of my agenda - but I've still hot 6 months to see if I can squeeze this one in 2/10

 Ride my bike - not happened, not even once 0/10

 Oh dear - it doesn't look like I'm doing very well does it. How are you getting on??

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