Wednesday 23 January 2013


This is my obligatory snow post.

I don’t know about you but I don’t mind a bit of snow as long as I can stay in the warm and look at it from the safety of my sofa.

Driving in it, walking in it, shoveling it, no thank you, I think I'm just not a fan of being cold & wet.

I would though like to give a HUGE hats off to the gritting team in Milton Keynes @Twit4GritMK, the roads have been amazingly clear due to their tireless efforts of repeated gritting and ploughing away of snow throughout the nights. I can't thank them enough for keeping MK moving and making it much safer for everyone to get around.

Are you a snow lover? Whats the snow been like in your area?

Tuesday 8 January 2013

One week in.

Here we are, a week into my 13 in 13 - How am I getting on?

Appreciate what you’ve got…
We had our company Annual Conference this week and as usual I had ‘nothing’ to wear and had planned to go shopping for new work outfit. Then I remembered my ‘Stop spending money’ and ‘appreciate what you’ve got’ aims so I shopped my closet instead…
And I came up Trumps.

I found a lovely LBD – still with the tags on (naughty) : Moda/Asda from Jan sales 2012
Jacket: Vintage fair

This is the dress....

Just do it…
On Sunday I did something I have thought about doing for a couple of years but just never gotten around to.

I went to the cinema on my own.

I thought it would be weird, or that people would be looking at me (especially as I went to see an animated film), but I didn’t get any of that. I got my ticket, found my seat and enjoyed the film.
Solo cinema will definitely be something that I shall do again in the future.

Ticket for one...

Get healthy…. Initiating contact with friends…
I contacted a neighbour and we went for a 45 min dog walk, yes it was grey and a bit cold, but we had a great catch up and the dog loved getting out and about.

I also weighed myself and was not happy with what I saw on the scales, so this is extra motivation to keep up the ‘getting healthy’ regime, to this end I have started back on the Cambridge diet

Feeling very positive about my progress so far (I know it’s only week 1 but you’ve got to start somewhere)

How are you getting on with yours?

Tuesday 1 January 2013

13 in 2013

So here it is, my 13 in 13, it took some thinking about but I'm pretty happy with the list and have tried to make sure there's a balance of things to do & not to do, and some practical boring things mixed with some fun as well.

13 in 13

1. Start a blog & comment on the blogs I read - this is underway - so far so good!

2. Get more organised/de-clutter - this will be an ongoing chore which I will keep you posted on.

3. Garden - I'm thinking the little & often approach will help a lot in keeping a tidy usable garden (weather permitting)

4. Write letters / keep in touch - I am dreadful at this and have so many relatives abroad who aren't on line, MUST do this one!

5. Get fit & healthy (and lose a stone) - I am that person who joined a gym & never went (I am disgusted with myself) no more, I have a dog to walk consoles with fitness games etc... No excuse really

6. Go on dates - always good to organise quality time with the Mr.

7. Save money/make money/stop wasting money - eBay, music magpie, stop buying things I don't need.

8. Capture the moment (take more pictures) - we have recently realised that we haven't had a lot of snaps from some important events, memories are only so good so pictures will be better.

9. Appreciate & Enjoy what I've already got - I've got so many lovely things that I will use, enjoy & as above stop buying new things when I've already got so much.

10. Initiate plans with friends - as with keeping in touch, I'm not great at this one, but did arrange dinner with a friend I haven't seen in literally years last night, so far so good again!

11. Do it now - what ever it is - stop procrastinating

12. Book 3 weekend breaks - to places I've never been, make new memories & spend quality time with the Mr

13. Ride my bike - I have a bike that I have never ridden - I know - I know, awful. Just do it eh!

Right - so there you have it, my public deceleration of intent for the next 12 months.

Have you got any aims for the year??

Here we go....


I've finally gone and done it!

A blog of my very own.

I've toyed with the idea of blogging for a few years now and have finally decided to take the plunge.

I'm not sure what type it will be yet, I guess I'll find my feet as I go.

Sorry if my pictures are too big & my writing all over the place.

I'm going to track my 13 in 13 (once I've decided on them all I'll list them) but No. 1 is underway:

1. Start a blog

So there is is my first short & sweet post.

Happy new year everyone x