Tuesday 1 January 2013

13 in 2013

So here it is, my 13 in 13, it took some thinking about but I'm pretty happy with the list and have tried to make sure there's a balance of things to do & not to do, and some practical boring things mixed with some fun as well.

13 in 13

1. Start a blog & comment on the blogs I read - this is underway - so far so good!

2. Get more organised/de-clutter - this will be an ongoing chore which I will keep you posted on.

3. Garden - I'm thinking the little & often approach will help a lot in keeping a tidy usable garden (weather permitting)

4. Write letters / keep in touch - I am dreadful at this and have so many relatives abroad who aren't on line, MUST do this one!

5. Get fit & healthy (and lose a stone) - I am that person who joined a gym & never went (I am disgusted with myself) no more, I have a dog to walk consoles with fitness games etc... No excuse really

6. Go on dates - always good to organise quality time with the Mr.

7. Save money/make money/stop wasting money - eBay, music magpie, stop buying things I don't need.

8. Capture the moment (take more pictures) - we have recently realised that we haven't had a lot of snaps from some important events, memories are only so good so pictures will be better.

9. Appreciate & Enjoy what I've already got - I've got so many lovely things that I will use, enjoy & as above stop buying new things when I've already got so much.

10. Initiate plans with friends - as with keeping in touch, I'm not great at this one, but did arrange dinner with a friend I haven't seen in literally years last night, so far so good again!

11. Do it now - what ever it is - stop procrastinating

12. Book 3 weekend breaks - to places I've never been, make new memories & spend quality time with the Mr

13. Ride my bike - I have a bike that I have never ridden - I know - I know, awful. Just do it eh!

Right - so there you have it, my public deceleration of intent for the next 12 months.

Have you got any aims for the year??


  1. From a fellow procrastinator - good luck with your 13in13 and the blog. X

  2. From a fellow procrastinator - good luck with your 13in13 and the blog. X

  3. You have a blog! Hoorah!

    Good for you. I am totally confident you will achieve your 13 goals. Enjoy!


  4. Ahhh I see now!!
    I'm not sure I have 13.. But I will work on it.
    1. Stop dieting. I need to lose weight but I need to take a healthier approach to it.
    2. Do some exercise. Anything is an improvement!
    3. Read more.
    4. Sew more. I got an amazing sewing machine and my aim is to make 13 things by the end of the year. I also hope to cross stitch more.
    5. Get some fresh air! My hopes of getting a dog are unlikely to come true this year but I'd like to get us out and about more.
    6. Complete my degree. Ugh.
    7. Stop wasting money.
    8. Be more organised. I am generally quite organised but if I want to do any of the other things on the list I need to make the most of the little time I have free.
    9. Ring my nan more. Mobile phones have meant it is easier to text people and I know my nan would rather I called. Also to send her photos of Eva.
    10. To complete 13 random acts of kindness.
    11. Not to spoil Eva. It is easy to buy her all of the things. This must stop!
    12. To get more sleep. I'm not always in control of this one!!
    13. To appreciate the people and things I have.

    Took some thinking about!!

  5. Yay mrs-sock that's a fab list - good luck with it. I think having the list means you can refer back to it & do a little thing off it every now & then to get you closer to completing it :)

  6. I have tried to steer away from a huge list of things this year, but my main goals are to organise my time better - I came to the conclusion last year that I probably try to do too much, but I would be able to manage it all better if I was more organised.
    I would also like to read 52 books over the course of the year, and to get a sewing porject done each month, so 12 over the course of the year.
    Other things like lose weight, save money etc are the ones which are always on there. :/

  7. This sounds pretty much like my life in general - especially number 11! Good luck!


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